Smart Widgets ============= Smart widgets consist of existing widgets with improved API. In most cases, these widgets will simply incorporate the appropriate type of ``xVar`` for the widget type. For instance, imaging providing for an ``OptionMenu`` without having to use a ``StringVar``. These widgets generally appear the same as their ordinary counterparts that are already present within the library. ``SmartOptionMenu`` ------------------- .. autoclass:: widgets.SmartOptionMenu :members: ``SmartSpinBox`` ---------------- .. autoclass:: widgets.SmartSpinBox :members: ``SmartCheckbutton`` -------------------- .. autoclass:: widgets.SmartCheckbutton :members: ``SmartListBox`` -------------------- .. autoclass:: widgets.SmartListBox :members: ``BinaryLabel`` -------------------- .. image:: img/byte-label.png .. autoclass:: widgets.BinaryLabel :members: ``ByteLabel`` ------------- .. image:: img/byte-label.png .. autoclass:: widgets.ByteLabel :members: